
The Educational Transformation Program equips professionals to impact policy, advocacy, learning and teaching both from within the classroom and from policy organizations and nonprofits. Whether you pursue your DC teaching license with our Learning & Teaching concentration or explore the world of education policy with our Advocacy & Policy concentration, our task is to ensure you have the knowledge and understanding to make a difference in the lives of students.

Student holds an open book in front of a stack inside the Georgetown Lauinger Library

M.A. Curriculum

Students in the M.A. in Educational Transformation gain the in-depth and interdisciplinary knowledge needed to be an effective professional through coursework anchored in a set of research-based practices that advance the learning of students and the transformation of education policies.

Learn More about Our Curriculum
Healy Hall at Georgetown University during sunset

Learning & Teaching Concentration

The Learning & Teaching concentration, Georgetown University’s Teacher Residency Program, is designed to prepare K-12 educational professionals who have interdisciplinary skills and focus on the assets that children bring to school, rather than focus on deficits that undermine learning.

Explore the Learning & Teaching Concentration
Washington, DC, Capitol building at night

Advocacy & Policy Concentration

The Advocacy & Policy concentration is designed to empower students engage in the kind of work outside the classroom that is needed to ensure a vibrant education inside of it by understanding how policy can support and advance learning, as well as the obstacles and opportunities to transforming both the policies and structures of education.

Explore the Advocacy & Policy Concentration
Metrorail terminal in Washington, DC

Residency Experience

Our residency experience places you in DC schools and educational organizations, allowing you to work and learn from people in the field.

Learn about the Residency Experience
Students attend a class at Georgetown University

Speaker Series

As part of Educational Transformation’s commitment to experiential learning, students from all concentrations participate in a Professional Development Speaker Series.

Check Out Our Speaker Series

Professional Development Certificate Program

Looking up at glass window ceiling inside the McDonough School of Business

Project ELEECT Certificate

If you are an experienced DCPS or public charter school teacher without prior preparation in the effective education of English Learners, our hybrid certificate program can help you better serve your culturally and linguistically diverse students.

Explore the PD Certificate