Policy & Professional Development Series

Critical Transformation in Action

Policy & Professional Development Series

As part of the MAET commitment to experiential learning, students from all concentrations will participate in Policy & Professional Development (PPD), a series of course-based and freestanding lectures, workshops, and site visits aimed at exposing our students to experts engaged deeply in the ongoing and critical work of educational transformation and gaining an awareness of current education policy, research, and transformation in action. Through participation in PPD, students engage and build a professional network with practitioners in the fields of advocacy and policy, including academic researchers; local, state, and federal policymakers; classroom educators; and heads of intermediary organizations including think tanks, foundations, and journalism outlets.

For events open to the wider community, accommodation requests related to a disability should be made at least one week prior the event by emailing Anne Musica at akm64@georgetown.edu. A good faith effort will be made to fulfill requests made less than a week prior to the event.

Upcoming Events

Lecture-Workshop: Dr. Sonya Horsford & Dr. David Stovall

Friday, November 3 / 12-1:30 PM
McShain Large

In our second public event,  Dr. Sonya Horsford, Associate Professor at Columbia University, and Dr. David Stovall, Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, will present a public keynote and Q&A before offering a closed workshop for Advocacy & Policy students. Additional information – including titles and descriptions for the keynotes – will be added shortly.

Sonya Douglass Horsford is an Associate Professor of Education Leadership and Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Urban and Minority Education (IUME) at Teachers College, Columbia University, where she examines the history and politics of race, inequality, and leadership in U.S. education. Horsford is an active member of Divisions A and L of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA).

Horsford’s research on Black school superintendents and school desegregation remain foundational to her scholarship, which is concerned primarily with how school and community leaders fulfill the promise of equality of educational opportunity for neglected and oppressed peoples. These themes are central to Horsford’s book, Learning in a Burning House: Educational Inequality, Ideology, and (Dis)Integration , and current projects examining the paradox of race and social justice leadership discourses in education research, practice, and policy.

David Stovall is Professor of African American Studies and Educational Policy Studies in the Department of African American Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He received his Ph.D. in Educational Policy Studies and his M.Ed. in Educational Policy from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since his arrival at UIC, Stovall has been working with youth, community organizations and schools in Chicago, New York City, and the San Francisco Bay Area. Furthering his attempt to connect K to 12 and university spaces, Stovall also serves as a volunteer social studies teacher at the Lawndale Little Village School of Social Justice.

Dr. Stovall studies the influence of race in urban education, community development, and housing. His work investigates the significance of race in the quality of schools located in communities that are changing both racially and economically. From a practical and theoretical perspective, his research draws from Critical Race Theory, educational policy analysis, sociology, urban planning, political science, community organizing, and youth culture. In 2006, he published the book chapter “From Hunger Strike to High School: Youth Development, Social Justice and School Formation” in Beyond Resistance!:  Youth and community change-Bew democratic possibilities for practice and policy for America’s youth. 

Past Events

Lecture-Workshop: Dr. Tina Trujillo & Dr. Rodney Hopson
Friday, September 15 / 12-1:30 PM
McShain Large

To kick off our series, MAET will welcome Dr. Tina Trujillo of UC Berkeley and Dr. Rodney Hopson of George Mason University to campus for a public keynote and Q&A, followed by a closed workshop for students in Advocacy & Policy. Additional information – including titles and descriptions for the keynotes – will be added shortly.

Tina Trujillo is an Associate Professor at UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Education and the Faculty Director of the Principal Leadership Institute. She earned her Ph.D. in Education from UCLA and her M.A. in Education from the University of Colorado, Boulder. She is a former urban public school teacher, school reform consultant, and educational evaluator. At Berkeley, she teaches Ph.D. students in Policy, Organization, Measurement and Evaluation (POME) and school and district leaders in the Leadership for Educational Equity Doctoral Program (LEEP) and the Principal Leadership Institute (PLI).

Dr. Trujillo uses tools from political science and critical policy studies to study the political dimensions of urban district reform, the instructional and democratic consequences of high-stakes testing and accountability policies for students of color and English Learners, and trends in urban educational leadership. Her recent research examines the instructional and political implications of private intermediary organizations as technical assistance providers for public school districts. Another project looks at the ways in which Teach For America influences educational policy, reform, and leadership. She also writes about the implications of federal accountability policies for the provision of democratic, equitable schooling. Her work is published in a range of journals, including the American Educational Research JournalTeachers College Record, Educational Policy, Journal of Educational Administration, and Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. She is the co-editor of Learning from the Federal Market-Based Reforms: Lessons for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) (2016, Information Age Publishing, with William Mathis).

Rodney Hopson is Professor, Division of Educational Psychology, Research Methods, and Education Policy, College of Education and Human Development and Senior Research Fellow, Center for Education Policy and Evaluation, George Mason University. Hopson currently serves as an affiliated faculty member of the Center for Culturally Responsive Assessment and Evaluation (CREA) at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Previously, he served as Hillman Distinguished Professor, Department of Educational Foundations and Leadership in the School of Education, and teaching faculty member in the Center for Interpretive and Qualitative Research and Honors College in the School of Liberal Arts, Duquesne University. He received his Ph.D. from the Curry School of Education, University of Virginia with major concentrations in educational evaluation and policy, anthropology and sociolinguistics.

Hopson’s primary research areas lie in comparative and international education policy and politics with a focus on official, indigenous, and medium of instruction language issues; critical, cultural issues in education, social policy, and evaluation; neighborhoods and education policy; and interpretive, qualitative and ethnographic methods. Relative to his research interests, Hopson raises questions that 1) analyze and address the differential impact of education and schooling on marginalized and underrepresented groups in diverse global nation states and 2) seek solutions to social and educational conditions in the form of alternative paradigms, epistemologies, and methods for the way the oppressed and marginalized succeed and thrive despite circumstances and opportunities that suggest otherwise.

14th Annual AERA Brown Lecture
Thursday, October 19 / 6-9 PM
Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center

Hosted by the American Educational Research Association, the Annual Brown Lecture in Education Research is designed to feature the important role of research in advancing understanding of equality and equity in education. The Lectureship was inaugurated in 2004 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision, in which the US Supreme Court took into account scientific research in issuing its landmark ruling. The 2017 Brown Lecture will be delivered by Dr. Alfredo J. Artiles, the Ryan C. Harris Professor of Special Education, Dean of the Graduate College, and director of the Equity Alliance at Arizona State University.

Alfredo J. Artiles’ program of interdisciplinary scholarship aims to understand how disability intersections with race, language, gender, and social class both enhance and perpetuate the stratification of educational opportunities. This work grapples with how justice remedies for one group (e.g., special education) can create injustices for other groups (e.g., African Americans, English learners). His approach has implications for definitions of learner competence in pluricultural societies and culturally responsive research practices. Of significance, he has documented the lack of systematic attention to race and culture in special education research. His scholarship urges us to reformulate traditional epistemological and methodological practices in the education field, such as research reports that ignore sample intra-group variability or disregard participants’ cultural tools and practices that could mediate their performance in study tasks. In addition, he has brought systematic attention to the intersection of historical, spatial and cultural influences in the production of racial disparities in special education across school districts, cities, states, and nations. In short, his work offers support for a situated understanding of educational equity in sites of enduring historical struggles. He has produced research findings and theoretical refinements, created personnel preparation programs, contributed to advance equity oriented policies, led national and international technical assistance and research projects, and promoted the creation of inclusive educational systems.

Dr. Artiles has received numerous honors, such as the 2001 Early Career Award from AERA’s Committee on Scholars of Color in Education, the 2012 Palmer O. Johnson Award, and the 2017 Review of Research Award. He was elected in 2008 Vice President of AERA’s Division on the Social Contexts of Education and presented the AERA 2011 Wallace Lecture. In 2011, he was appointed by President Obama to the White House Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics. Dr. Artiles is an AERA Fellow, a former Spencer Foundation/ National Academy of Education Postdoctoral Fellow and was a Resident Fellow at Stanford University’s Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. Dr. Artiles edits the Teachers College Press book series “Disability, Culture, and Equity,” and was co-editor of volume 33 of the Review of Research in Education. He has produced over 130 publications including the 2017 World Yearbook of Education: Assessment inequalities (Routledge); the 2017 NRC report Fostering the Development and Educational Success of Young Language Learners and Dual Language Learners (committee member), and Inclusive education: Examining equity on five continents (Harvard Education Press).